Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saying Goodbye...

Over the years I have loved certain TV shows.  You know what I mean-the "I must be in front of a working TV to watch this show from start to finish each and every week."  I can't even remember them all-but LOST tops them.  I have loved this show from the time I had the TV on for noise while I did   work at home and ended up engrossed in the premiere-hooked from the first minute.
I have never watched a show as confusing and maddening and makes me feel, well Lost-yet at the same time I love it so much that even my husband knows not to bother me when Lost is on.  I missed one episode ever (Claire's back story) and-with the way Lost is written-it comes back and taunts me at least once a year.  I don't even want to talk about the season finale when I was completely LOST because it was when we all started realizing Jack and Claire were Brother and Sister....and you HAD TO WATCH Claire's back story to get it.  I, of course, didn't get it until the next day when I read what other people were saying.

So now-we come to the end.  It is hard-I have seen so many shows go on f.o.r.e.v.e.r until they are mere shadows of their once great selves-so much so that we all welcomed their demise.  But Lost-has not run its course.  It is still just as puzzling and wonderful-even if it has changed each and season to something new and different from the other seasons-yet connected.  I have applauded the creators for ending the show before it ages for the last three years-but now that the end is here-I hate it.  I wish they had made full seasons of Lost these last few years-because clearly there are enough questions to answer.

I have had theories about what happens over the years about Lost-some not so far from the truth.

I am floating my final guesses out there before the finale to see if I get any right.  Some of these I feel were the original intentions of the writers-or at least possibilities so tidbits were placed in various episodes "just in case." (I really really believe Rose and BErnard were supposed to be Adam and Eve on the island.

(Rock Star) Charlie is Desmond and Penny's son.  (No surprise here-I have thought this for a year-it has to due with the baby being billed as "young Charlie" while other kids are just "johnny").  Of course time travel would be involved...but it isn't like Lost hasn't gone there already

Of course, I wrote a draft post before this weeks episode and naming Hurley as the Candidate-but of course I was wrong.  but my rationale was:  He has been the peace keeper throughout.  Always making good decisions.  Of course, Jack was always the leader-and I always said it was Jack-but thought it was too obvious...guess I was wrong.

Rose and Bernard let Desmond out of the well...or maybe Claire

The Man in Black's name is Esau. (although a friend says Aaron b/c he was raised my another, like Aaron)

Juliet is Jack's wife in the alternate reality...

Someone will stay on the island with (Jack).  There has to be a balance of good and evil on the island for it to go on.  I am thinking it will be Sayid...or Ben.  Ben would be logical.  But Sayid went in the water (ala Jacob's brother went in the water).  Of course, it could stay Locke.

I think the finale will show that Locke was the Man in Black since the crash....He died in the crash...and the Man in Black possessed him....maybe over time...maybe right away...but THAT is why he could walk.

They say the last 10 seconds will blow our minds---I hope the last 10 seconds are a montage that ends with "we were just kidding See you next season"

Of all my "predictions"  I hope the last one is true. 
Because I don't want to say goodbye.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bloggography Challenge-Focus

This weeks challenge was all about focus.  you can read it here.

I didn't get a chance to take a bunch of photos-but I went to my Nephew's T-ball game.  It was so cute to see a bunch of 5 year olds learning the game.

Here are my best shots:

 The first 2 shots I practiced focus in action shots:

This last picture he directed me to get "the Thunder" (logo) on his hat and he wanted to hold up the piece of plastic he found in the outfield while playing. So cute.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

End of Month update-April

I'm not sure why I am updating this month-it was a bad month for my goals.   I don't know why, but the month flew by.  I'm stressed and under motivated.  Also, I apparently started watching waaaaaay too many tv shows this fall. It didn't become apparent when hubby came home from his internship because many shows were on hiatus.  But now,  they are all on (the same nights-which forces me to record at least one) and it's the Stanley cup playoffs-hockey is on and we watch all the games.  Add in a weekend at my Mom's, a weekend without power and hubby's refusal to let me delete 10 hours of sports games from the DVR because he wants to record them (remember last month the DVD recorder broke-we can't afford a new one!!!!) and you have a DVR full of unwatched shows.
SO I am behind on some of my favorite shows.  In reality, we are talking 5 or 6 hours of weekly TV shows here-not 20.  I just can't find the viewing time.  It's just tv which is no big deal--but right now it is my only source of entertainment because funds are tight.  No worries, I will eventually catch up-the wonders of the internet and all.  Maybe before next season starts (?????)

Adopt a child. (Become foster parent as part of process(?))
-No progress.

2) Exercise regularly
I bought shoes.  I have worn them around the house.  Once the rain goes away i will begin walking.  I did lose some weight-which I have most likely regained.

3) Eat healthier
-This, I have done about 80% of the time this month. 

4) Minimize the clutter in my house
-We still have not recovered from last month's rearrangement of the "junk room" into a bedroom.  Next up:  Cleaning the basement.  i just need an entire sunny day when I don't have to do yard work. 

5) Grow out my nails
-nope.  however, I am working on decreasing the stress part of this issue

6) Pay off my own credit cards.
This is such an overwhelming task with a husband jobless and experiencing some health issues.  Also, there are just things we MUST do-like take our dog to the vet when she got hurt, more vet bills for flea and heartworm meds, car repairs.  We DO over spend at times.  We DO eat out a few times (but this has reduced greatly).  We DO do some fun things (we had free tickets to a Pirates game-but spent probably $40 on parking and food (hey we HAD to eat out-no power for an entire weekend!)  but we are consciously trying to minimize all of this.

May WILL be better, right?