Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Best Lens Picture

This weeks Bloggography challenge was to take the best picture with any of your lenses.  I have a Nikon D60  The standard lens that came with is is an 18mm-55mm, 1.3.5-5.6.  It also has Vibration Reduction and Auto focus (which both can be turned on or off.)  It is the kind of lens that does a little bit of everything.  Right now it is the only lens I have right now (on my wish list is a zoom lens) and I love taking all different types of pictures with it.

I usually read the challenge and plan out my picture taking fro the weekend, which is what i did this time.  Unfortunately, on Friday we were hit with a (15 minute) thunderstorm that knocked out our power until Sunday.  Of course, the weather was dreary, cold and cloudy and I did not realize my battery needed charged.  I did manage to take a few pictures one of the nights without power.  Here is my favorite:

ISO 1600, f 4.2, +1.3 EV

I love how "Love is in shadow in the background.


  1. That is one awesome picture! I love it!!

  2. I LOVE the shadow in the background. I didn't notice what it was until I read your comment and looked closely at it. Cool!

  3. Great picture! How did you get that shadow in the background?? too cool!

  4. Oh neat, I didn't even notice the love!

  5. For some reason the "Love" shadow isn't as dark as it is on the original loaded on my computer.
    Also, it is the shadow of a wooden sign on a (flat) part of our banister. WEe had a dozen candles lit throughout the room (power outage) and I noticed the shadow and snapped it.
