Monday, July 2, 2012

Roller Coaster

So I have said that we are in process of adopting from foster care. But is is not an easy thing.  In fact, if things were different I would probably jump off the foster train and adopt overseas or go through an expensive newborn adoption.  Adopting from foster care is easier on the pocketbook-but wow! do you pay in emotional currency. 
We had the whole newborn incident.  We have had  profiles sent to us with teasing info (on the order of "he is cute, smart and just needs a stable home with love to continue improving") so we request more information only to find out that the child has more behaviors than we can handle (like this 4 year old child is severely autistic and has behaviors that cause all doors to have to be dead-bolted in house and someone awake 24/7!-not even exaggerating).   The initial information is so misleading.  No behaviors mentioned, no diagnosis--nothing. We have been approached about kids needing full organ transplants.  While our hearts break for each and every child-we have to decide what is best for us and our family.  Severe medical and behavior issues are just not for us.  We were beginning to wonder if that was all we would ever be approached about--children with issues beyond our abilities to parent?

Then we were approached about a child with very mild issues.  We got excited.  We requested more info.  We got even more excited.  We requested to "go forward."  We were interviewed.  One of 4 families.   We waited and waited and waited and waited.  We were turned down.  No reason specified.  This totally sucks.  It was like a job interview.  For the job of your life.  And we failed.  There are few words to describe how sucky this whole process is. You get one shot.  One.  And you may fail because of something simple.  Or not. You don't usually find out why.  You just get told they decided to go with someone else.  Rejected.

Now we have been approached about an infant.  Things sounded good.  Great even.  Less obstacles. Less hurdles.  So we (of course) said Yes.
We were going to get to meet the baby.  To "babysit".  To move towards placement. It was all set.  Just one phone call away.
And then the hurdles started.  CYF is putting us (our agency?/us?) off.  They said yes, then No. Making them/us stand back. 

So now we wait.


Based on our previous experiences-I don't really have any hope.  Babies are very wanted. CYF has their "favorite" families-that discrimination  of "their families vs agency families" pops up again-which we have no control over-cyf no longer enrolls families-but they discriminate against agency families and cyf makes the decisions of where children are placed.

I am emotionally drained.  My emotions are on a hairpin trigger.
 I know I have to ride this roller coaster to the end....
but I don't know how much more I can take...

1 comment:

  1. HUGS!!!!!! My co-worker got "expedited" to become foster parents for 4 brothers at my school. They hope to adopt them if it works out. But they had tons of hurdles to go through.

    More HUGS!!!!!! There is such a need for good loving foster families and it is so sad that children cannot be matched faster/more efficiently :(
