Friday, June 28, 2013

Update-The Good and the Bad

I know, I know..I have been MIA just when things are finally looking up!

So-things are busy busy! We are loving having the Toddler. She is the light of our days-and life. Adjusting has been easy-but not without exhaustion and tears on all our parts-but in a good way mostly!

Our home is messy-and I don't care. I watch Sprout all day some days-and am actually claiming to be improving my career (both as a Mom and in work since all my kids watch these shows. I can actually name a train or 2 besides Thomas!!

She is happy and loving and squeals in delight and comes running now when one of us returns from work (or when we have a training and she goes in the agency daycare).

We have settled into a comfortable routine consisting of--play, eat, park and sleep.

Things are not going well, however, on the legal side of things....A family member came forward and now there is is a good possibility that we will lose The Toddler to her.

We can't catch a break can we?

So we wait. Hold our breaths. And prepare for the worst news ever. (but how does one prepare-our hearts will shatter no matter how much we "prepare"). It isn't like we didn't know this was a (remote) possibility...

In the meantime, we are enjoying our days as if she will be ours for sure-because life is never certain.

I will update when I can. I have some cute stories to share as well.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! NO they can't do that! That is so not fair! My heart is breaking. So very sorry. I hope they don't get her.
