omg-they are SO easy. If I knew how easy I would have made them looooong ago.
You need:
A bag of chocolate chips (your choice, milk chocolate or semi-sweet--or both)
decorations (optional)
That's it.
Microwave the chips in a bowl...I put them in for 45 seconds, stirred, the in 30 second increments stirring until smooth. Took maybe 2 minutes.
Then take the pretzels and dip. i used stick pretzels so I spooned the chocolate up high...swirled until it went all the way down.
Put on wax paper...sprinkle with decorations. I used colored sugar, sprinkles and peanut butter chips.
Let cool. When they were cool, I slipped into gift bags.
Done. And it took 30 minutes at the most!
I think used 2 full bags of chips and 1 full bag of pretzels (I may or may not have eaten a handful or 2.
These pictures are not great-since the husband took them with his phone. Also, what you see in these pictures is the entire amount of counter space I I couldn't get them all on one counter (and some are even on the table)