I was reading a Matt and Molly Story (the Autumn set) about raking leaves.
Matt and Molly stories are simple. 4 big pictures. 1 or 2 simple sentences per picture. My preschool students love them. There is a set of simple questions that goes with them.
The last question (usually the only "thought" question) was, "Have you ever raked leaves?" My students said, "no". So I created this activity:
My students LOVE it. The premise is simple-they each get to rake the leaves and be the dog (who messes them up in the story). (Some of my students are not ready to listen to the story-so we just raked leaves and left out the dog :) )
Some of the vocabulary I incorporated is:
leaf, leaves
my turn
your turn
he/she is
I want...)
Can I (be the dog)
I am (raking/the dog)
Finished/Stop/Go (The student raking had to tell the dog to "go" and "stop")
red, yellow, orange
I created a picture board for my less verbal students. The bigger board holds all the pictures. I typically put the actual core vocabulary we were targeting for a student on a smaller board.
I also used the pictures to create visual sentences for my students trying to increase their sentence length. They used the pictures as cues to make a longer sentence for me.
This is one activity I will be repeating!
Excellent, the kids love this activity. I did something like this and found acorns, sticks and other treasures that were inside friendly to sort, describe, feel (they do break up the particles though) etc. Perfect!!! bushel baskets another great idea for concepts in/out, under/on top etc. collecting, sorting, dumping .