Sunday, January 24, 2010

Challenge 2-ISO

This week's photography challenge involved using ISO. We were challenged to take a picture of toys and/or children playing with toys without flash and changing the ISO. Not having any children and not willing to take my camera with me to work to photograph some toys at one of the preschools where I work, I took pictures of my dog's toys and her playing with her favorite (tennis ball).

ISO 1600

I also took pictures of her (and the cat's) basket of toys-and yes, they go and find a toy to play with-and no, they do not return the toy to the basket-that's my job apparently. This isn't a very creative picture-but I took each one-several different angles-at every ISO so it took a while. These were the best of the bunch:

ISO 800

ISO 1600

All of these pictures look kind of orange to me-I know it is because of the light level-can this be fixed without using a flash-or do they look "normal" and I am just over-analyzing because I am used to bright-white flash?

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Great pictures..Isn't it funny that animals are like children, they play with something and then don't put it away ;) My Bostons toys are always strung thru out the house.

  2. I love your pictures! I really can see the difference between the two ISOs. By the way, the orange cast you're seeing is from the lighting, and it can be changed by switching the white balance on your camera. Don't worry--we'll have a lesson on that, too!

  3. first of all, my dog is totally jealous of all your dog's toys. second, great pics! i can see the difference.

  4. There is a definite difference in between the two, the toys in the second one are that much brighter. Good job!

  5. Great Job, I had a orange glow in my picture too but after I posted my blog I played around a bit and changed the white balance setting and it totally helped.

  6. Tara-She has all those toys yet she plays with 2 every day (the tennis ball and the bone) and the rest come out about once a year. I had been attempting to give away or trash some-but she KNOWS and looks for it and gives me such a pityful look (Once she whined at the garbage can for an entire day)I stopped.

  7. How did I miss your cute dog! Thanks for joining in, and great examples of ISO!
